Providing Services For Retirement Projects, including Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Facilities

About Our Founder

About Our Founder
Contact Us:

And in case you are wondering, the lady on our opening page putting a "smooch" on Mr. Meglin is not his mother, just a happy resident at one of Gerhard Enterprises' formerly owned assisted living facilities located in California.


"Whew! My cha-cha needs some work!"

Gerry Meglin
President and Founder
While he really enjoys light hearted moments with seniors, Mr. Meglin is quite serious about the much needed compassion and services that seniors should be receiving in care facilities, ranging from congregate care, assisted living, to skilled nursing faclities. He knows first hand about the skills necessary to provide the best professional care for those elderly that require assistance of any type. In addition to being on retainer as a consultant to a number of large, multi-facility assisted living corporations and a highly respected senior living facility broker, he only specializes in providing services to the retirement industry and currently is the main operating partner in various on-going senior projects. His expertise has been acquired over forty years of experience as a real estate broker, developer, hotel syndicator and having been a previous owner/operator of a number of facilities ranging in size from six beds to over two hundred beds. And, he has spent the last thirty years specializing only in the assisted living industry. 
You can contact Gerry Meglin directly at GMMR@AOL.COM


             Gerhard Enterprises' Corporate Headquarters: 
                                        16184 Bimini Lane
                            Huntington Beach, California 92649
                         Direct phone number:  (805) 680-2571
                                             Email: GMMR@AOL.COM