Providing Services For Retirement Projects, including Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Facilities

About Our Founder
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Gerhard Enterprises

"Assisted Living Consultants & Brokers" 



"Providing services to

facilities throughout California"

   Gerhard Enterprises' expertise spans over forty years of experience as consultants and real estate brokers, both as principals and representatives for various clients. For the last thirty-five years the company has specialized in providing services  from an "Owner/Operator's" viewpoint exclusively to assisted living projects (RCFE's), as well as congregate care projects and skilled nursing facilities. Having previously owned facilities in California from six beds in size up to two hundred and sixty-three beds in capacity, Gerhard Enterprises uniquely brings a variety of skills and services to existing or start-up assisted living facilities. In addition, Gerhard Enterprises at times creates specific joint venture assisted living projects with qualified investors, from acquisition, to over-sight of management upgrades, renovation of facility if needed, to selling the facility, usually at a greatly enhanced value with double digit returns.
Gerhard Enterprises takes great pride in providing consulting, brokering services, and project management for a group of select clients. We are dedicated to serving those facilities that desire high occupancies through targeted market training. Make this your year to stay full with marketing methods that our numerous clients have learned that always identify where their facility's next resident is coming from, leading to full occupancy consistently. In addition, we have assisted numerous clients buy another facility or sell their current assisted living facility in many locations thoughout the state.
At this point Gerhard Enterprises has a very select client base, and primarily works only with referred and past clients. However, we are accepting a limited number of qualified new clients in 2024 for brokerage and/or consulting services. Please call to find out if we can be of service to you.

We Can Provide: 

  1. Marketing training to obtain those consistant referrals to your facility for a possible 100% occupancy rate (while never having to use and pay those high fees to referral agencies!). 
  2. Brokering services to buy or sell any size facility anywhere in California (see 2021 and 2022 total sales). 
  3. Partnership opportunities, either as a general partner or a limited partner with no liability. 
  4. Referral services at no cost to facility.
  5. Licensing assistance.
  6. If you are new to the assisted living business or would like to learn we have a full training package which would train you in all aspects of this booming business.


Facilities exclusively marketed and sold by

Gerhard Enterprises to date in 2024 statewide.


Twelve-6 Beds,  an 18 Bed,  a 48 Bed,  

a 96 Bed, a 110 Bed,  and a 185 Bed

Total Value $148,755,000 






             Gerhard Enterprises' Corporate Headquarters: 
                                        16184 Bimini Lane
                            Huntington Beach, California 92649
                         Direct phone number:  (805) 680-2571
                                             Email: GMMR@AOL.COM